Some Poem called Candy Dreams

I wrote this in a moment of boredom because I picture doodles in my head, and write down words to those images I imagine. In hopes that I would make the artwork for those words one day; when I found the moment.

I open my eyes

the sky glows pink

Transformed to a place

of  sugar plum treats

Bubble gum blossoms and Chocolate Streams

Marshmallow Clouds and Lollipop Trees

I wipe my eyes, but where do I reside?

The image starts to stir..

My hands become fur...

My face transforms

My vision blurs

What is becoming?

The sky grows gray

Under the nightmare shade

Your  Hands now claws

Your  Feet now paws

Panic sets in

Your nightmare begins

You scream, but it's a howl

You cry, and it's a growl

The world fades...

You drift away, to present day

With a fright,

In the middle of the night


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