
Showing posts from 2015

Some Poem called Candy Dreams

I wrote this in a moment of boredom because I picture doodles in my head, and write down words to those images I imagine. In hopes that I would make the artwork for those words one day; when I found the moment. I open my eyes the sky glows pink Transformed to a place of  sugar plum treats Bubble gum blossoms and Chocolate Streams Marshmallow Clouds and Lollipop Trees I wipe my eyes, but where do I reside? The image starts to stir.. My hands become fur... My face transforms My vision blurs What is becoming? The sky grows gray Under the nightmare shade Your  Hands now claws Your  Feet now paws Panic sets in Your nightmare begins You scream, but it's a howl You cry, and it's a growl The world fades... You drift away, to present day With a fright, In the middle of the night

When in doubt, poem it up..

With The Earth When I am dead my dearest, Pick up your guitar And play a melody for me Channel that dark energy play those ivory keys for me Do not be down Do not frown Don't let sorrow fill your heart Help your creativity spark Let the music fill your heart Spread my ashes Beneath a tree So there will always be a place Where you can find me I am with the Earth, and always here So don't you ever cry not now.. not here


    Anxiety and insomnia go hand-in-hand. I woke up at 2 am; was put into a stressful situation, so I stayed awake until I fell asleep. Now I feel as if there is a weight on my chest preventing me to breathe. My heart is not beating so fast, but faster than it normally does. I shall try to keep busy, and not let myself dwell on my unhappiness.

High school.

Why is high school such a defining moment in a young adults life? Is it because you are put into these socially awkward situations for four years? These pivotal situations your thrown into and face somehow define who we are today. I wanted to write about my life when I was in high school, but I haven't summed up the courage to do it yet. I thought I could, but I can't..maybe later...It's ironic how Charles Dickens can sum up my life in high school just a few sentences. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authori...

So it begins..

             So begins my ascent, into writing out my frantic over-the top-thoughts, and so begins my brain malfunctioning into a creative chaos slump. I am in the process of self improvement, so hopefully writing everything down will help speed that process up. I am not an optimistic person, in fact I am quite the opposite, although I wouldn't say being kind of a pessimistic person has brought negativity into my life. I would say it's more like; my life has been full of negativity, and this is my bodies form of adaption. Either way I am not an optimist or a pessimist; I'm just socially awkward.  We could get into the whole Nature vs Nurture argument, but it does make it's interesting points. Nature states that my personality is based on genetic predispositions, but by laws of nurture; the way you act stems from life experience, the way you were taught, and the environment in which you grew up. However, I cannot help, but believe both to be true....